Monday, June 18, 2007

Things still churning...

Still at the RV place. Churn.

Still looking for permanent work. Churn.

Moving forward with the house sale scheduled to close July 9. Double-Churn.

I've had a few leads and possibilities -- nothing great -- but nothing horrible. I have 2 followups on possible CSR-type work. One is with LexisNexis (sp?) which is more like what I am looking for (tech-related), however the other seems like it may have better pay and benefits. The second job found my resume online, so it might be a longshot, but it's worth hoping for.

Also have my resume out to a few recruiters and am hoping I can shake something up there. Planning on going to a networking meeting next Wed night to shake loose a few more leads.

If you or anyone you know if a member of LinkedIn, check me out there:

"That's all, folks..."

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