Tuesday, June 19, 2007

To that, I say "Neigh"

As promised in an earlier post (I think), I've got some Ethan pix from his day playing with the horsies. They are included below... along with a picture of Ethan sporting his on-the-jobsite headgear along with the construction manager (Sarah's aunt).

So we think the kid may have chickenpox. He started breaking out in all these little red dots that became bigger and more widespread by the end of the day. At first, we thought it might be flea bites or something, so we washed all of his bedding... but as the day wore on, they got more and more pronounced. Before you ask -- it's most likely not an kind of allergic reaction (cause it's not localized) and we don't think it's anything to do with medication, bug bites or anything else... we're checking with doctor's office today to see what they have to say. More to come...
"And we'll have fun, fun fun..."

1 comment:

Deb said...

Oh yay. Well, the good news is that after about 2 weeks he will be fine. Really. If he DOES have them... I recommend
- Dermoplast spray (stinks like the dickens but it really takes the itch away AND it does not have any other meds that would conflict with --)
- Benadryl (sleep tight)
- Aveeno baths (it should come with its own container of Comet though because it turns the tub brown!)

But yeah. The pedi is a good place to start... good times!
